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Order of Malta


Support Ukrainian Refugees


Aid to Ukrainian Refuges 2022



Over the last 7 years, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we have trained 200 emergency medical instructors in Ukraine. Then each of the instructors trained another 10 people. At the moment, 2,000 people are on the front line to provide pre-medical aid to the fighters and the injured. We are in constant contact with the Ukrainian Maltese aid, thanks to which we have current information about the situation and the most urgent needs.
We are supported by the Ukrainian Ambassador to the Swiss Confederation

Support now, donate here:

Founds are collected via Polish fundraising service zrzutka.pl. There you can use a Visa or MasterCard credit card. Google Pay and Apple Pay are also accepted.
Step by step instruction:

1) Visit https://zrzutka.pl/en/chh5dw/wplac.

2) Select the amount in PLN, you can find quotes automatically converted to Euro and USD.

3) Choose payment method:



4) Fill in details and choose to Donate button, proceed to credit card details.

5) Approve. Done!

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