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Order of Malta


29.04.2017 – Wybory Wielkiego Mistrza Zakonu Maltańskiego


Szanowni Państwo,
w związku ze zbliżającymi się wyborami Wielkiego Mistrza Zakonu w dniu 29 kwietnia 2017r ks biskup Jean Laffitte, Prałat Zakonu Maltańskiego prosi o modlitwę.
Szczegóły oraz możliwość zarejestrowania się celem duchowej adopcji poszczególnych członków Rady Suwerennej Zakonu na stronie :


The Prelate

Dear Confreres,

In view of the Council Complete of State, which will convene in the forthcoming days, and with the support of H.E. the Lieutenant ad interim Fra’ Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein, I would like to endorse a global prayer initiative called Oremus pro Concilio.

It is an invitation to Members and Volunteers of the Order to pray for the Council Complete of State and to accompany its members in prayer – before and throughout the election process – calling upon the Holy Spirit to be present at the assembly so that He may support and enlighten every Member of the Council Complete of State, individually.

Those who wish to take part must register with their name and email, and will receive the name of a Member of the Council Complete of State, for whom they will commit to pray for. The name of the Member of the Council Complete of State is given without any specific arrangement. Each registered participant will be assigned only one name. The full list of the Member of the Council Complete of State will not be disclosed.

We think that this initiative represents an opportunity to nurture our confraternal community during this important moment, and we encourage you to participate, so that we may remain united in the prayer to the Holy Spirit.

In Domini Corde,

✠ Jean Laffitte
Titular Bishop of Entrevaux
Prelate of the Sovereign Order of Malta